With a little bit of forethought and planning, you can protect your smile from serious damage down the road. With preventive care in mind, our Glendale dentists have compiled this short list of smart steps to take when it comes to optimizing your dental care routine. Let’s get started!
Follow your dentist’s recommendations when it comes to professional treatments and at home care
The most important thing is to take your dentist’s recommendations when it comes to professional and at-home care. Your dentist is able to tailor treatment plans to fit your unique smile and needs. You can talk to your dentist about everything from what type of toothbrush to use, to how to manage dental sensitivity.
Be mindful of your diet
Remember that oral bacteria use sugars and refined carbohydrates to feed and grow. You want to limit you consumption of these types of foods and drinks. You can boost your oral health by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and snacking on crunchy, water-rich veggies.
Stay alert for any signs of bruxism or TMJ issues
Your temporomandibular joints connect your lower jaw to your skull. When these joints are damaged or inflamed, you may notice unpleasant symptoms like jaw popping, headaches, and limited jaw mobility. When these types of issues go untreated, your bite is compromised and your dental enamel may start to wear down prematurely.
Help your smile with water
Water is the #1 best beverage for your smile for a number reasons. It is important for you to stay hydrated so that your body is able to produce plenty of saliva. You can also rinse your smile with water throughout the day to dislodge dental debris and bacteria plaque.
As always, our Glendale dental team is happy to give you more information about both professional and at-home dental care. The best way to get started is to call our office or use the Contact Us page on our site, and we’ll get back to you promptly.