Don’t Skip Your Regular Dental Cleaning With Our Glendale Dentists

Written by Dr. McKay on Nov 10, 2015

We are all so busy, it often ends up that patients inadvertently skip their semi-annual dental cleanings. The American Dental Association suggests that every dental patient have his or her teeth cleaned by a dentist every six months or so. But what happens when you fall out of the habit?

Our Glendale dentists are here to give you the answers to this question…

1. Increased Oral Bacteria

During a professional cleaning our dentist remove existing oral bacteria from your smile. This makes it easier for you to maintain your oral health between appointments. If you do not undergo these cleanings, the bacteria in your mouth will just continue to compound—leading to cavities and gum disease.

2. Plaque Turns To Tartar

When bacteria first accumulate in your smile they form a sticky substance called plaque. This substance, while stubborn, can nevertheless be removed by the patient when he or she brushes and flosses. Plaque that is allowed to sit on the smile, however, becomes entrenched. Bacterial plaque, over time, calcifies into a substance called tartar. Tartar can only be removed using professional dental tools.

3. Dental Problems Go Undetected

Dental problems, as with all health problems, are most easily treated in their earliest stages. When you skip your semi-annual appointments, you miss out on useful opportunities for our dentist to screen your smile for problems. Six-month appointments help our dental team pinpoint cavities and gum disease before they become severe. Additionally, we perform an oral cancer screening with every cleaning.

Maybe it has been awhile since you’ve come in for a professional cleaning. That’s OK! Our dental team is here to help you achieve oral health, no matter what the current state of your smile. Please don’t hesitate to give our Glendale dentists a call when you are ready to get started!