Get The Facts On Bad Breath And Treatment Options From Our Glendale Dentist

Written by Dr. McKay on Feb 4, 2020

While bad breath is never a welcome addition to your daily life, some types of malodorous breath are more serious than others. Short-term odors that result from heavily seasoned foods, for example, will usually wear off naturally and quickly. However, if you are dealing with chronic, hard-to-treat bad breath, then it is probably time to talk to your dentist for guidance. Keep reading to learn more from our Glendale dentists

Chronic bad breath is often linked to increased levels of oral bacteria, and thus oral health issues. Oral bacteria actually release unpleasant odors as byproducts as they grow and multiply. The reason it is so difficult to treat this type of bad breath is because the oral bacteria are entrenched in your smile.

You may notice this type of persistent bad breath, which is often called halitosis, because:

  • It has been a long time since you have had a professional cleaning, and plaque and tartar have built up on your smile
  • You have existing dental caries that need to be treated
  • You have developed periodontal disease, or bacteria-infected gum tissue
  • You have built-up tonsil stones in the back of your throat

Treating halitosis begins with a thorough professional dental cleaning, to remove plaque and tartar. Our dental team may also recommend that you:

  • Tweak your at-home oral hygiene routine with specific tools or cleaning formulations
  • Increase water consumption throughout the day in order to support saliva production
  • Treat existing oral health conditions, like dental cavities and gum disease
  • Take a look at your diet and minimize foods that result in dry mouth or acid reflux

If you would like to learn more about treating halitosis, our Glendale dentists are here to help. Give us a call to speak to a member of our team, and to schedule a personal consultation with our team.