Dental sensitivity can make it difficult for you to enjoy your daily routine; you may suddenly find it difficult to eat your favorite foods or drinks your favorite drinks. Even cleaning your smile can become fraught.
Our Glendale dentists have but together this short overview of the causes of and treatments for gum disease. Keep reading to learn more!
Why does it occur?
Dental sensitivity can develop for a number of reasons, and in many cases, there are actually a number of underlying causes working in concert…
- Thinning enamel—as your enamel thins, it becomes less effective at protecting the dentin below it from irritants. The result is increased tooth sensitivity, especially when the patient is consuming things that are especially hot or cold.
- Receding gum tissue—healthy gum tissue comes up to the base of the visible tooth, thus protecting the sensitive tooth root. If your gums have started to pull away from your enamel, the resulting gap can allow irritants to reach dental nerves.
- Undiagnosed infections—teeth with existing dental cavities may be painful because the infection has spread from the dental enamel to the dentin or dental pulp. The infected tooth portion will need to be removed, and the tooth restored in order to treat this type of sensitivity.
What are some common treatments that address dental sensitivity?
- Fortify enamel—building up healthy enamel, or covering insufficient enamel can help to keep irritants from infiltrating the tooth structure. This may involve using dental-grade materials, like composite resin and porcelain to resurface worn down enamel.
- Rebuild gum tissue—patients with severely depleted gum tissue may benefit from gum grafts, which build-up and replace missing tissue.
- Desensitize nerves—there are a number of formulations on the market that lessen sensitivity by temporarily dulling sensitive nerves. Your dentist can give you a better idea of whether this is an appropriate treatment option for your situation.
If you think you may be dealing with dental sensitivity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Glendale dentists to schedule a consultation. We are here to help you get relief and regain some normalcy.