The more steps that you take to protect your smile from damage, the better your long-term dental prognosis. It is always easier to take steps to avoid dental issues, rather than spending time and many to correct dental problems after the fact.
Our Glendale dentists know that knowledge is power—that is why we try to give our dental patients all of the information that they need to make healthy dental decisions. We believe that when you are aware of the threats to your smile, you can take proactive steps to protect your natural smile!
The first threat to your smile is harmful oral bacteria in the form of plaque and tartar. Brushing and flossing as recommended by your dentists, as well as competing regularly scheduled professional cleanings will help you minimize bacterial build up.
Next, bruxism—chronic dental grinding and clenching—can wear down your dental enamel and lead to cracks and chips over time. If you find that you are grinding or clenching your teeth, talk to your dentist about things that you can do to treat this. Your dentist may recommend that you wear a protective mouth guard when you sleep, or he or she may suggest that you undergo orthodontic treatment to perfect your bite and eliminate the source of the dental grinding habit.
If you participate in any contact or extreme sports, these too can put your smile at risk. A custom-fit protective mouth guard can help to safeguard your smile. Don’t skimp on wearing your mouth guard! It is so much easier to wear it and avoid dental damage, rather than to spend the time and money necessary to repair your smile after dental trauma.
Our Glendale dentists are here to answer any questions that you may have to give you more direction on caring for your smile. Give our team a call to get started with your personal consultation!