Want to maintain a strong and healthy smile for years to come? Our Glendale dentists are here to help; here are some common mistakes you may be making when it comes to caring for your smile day to day.
Skipping water as you start your day
Every night, as you sleep, your body becomes slightly dehydrated. That is why it is imperative that you hydrate to start your day. It is best to drink water before you put anything else in your body (yes, even coffee!), in order to jump start saliva production in your mouth.
Using the wrong toothbrush
Many patients are using toothbrushes well beyond when these brushes are effective; you want to replace your toothbrush every three to four months, and definitely after you have been ill. You also want to make sure that you are using a toothbrush that fits into the back corners of your smile, and that the bristle strength is appropriate for your needs. Most people will do well with a soft-bristled brush, but as your dental team if you aren’t sure.
Picking at your smile with pointy tools
Both metal and wooden toothpicks can do more harm than good when it comes to improving your oral health. Opt for floss or mouth rinse when you need to refresh your smile.
Sipping on sugary drinks
The oral bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease love to feed on sugars and refined carbohydrates. When eat or drink something sugary, these bacteria will continue to active and feeding for about 20 to 30 minutes after you finish. With that in mind, it is better to indulge in treats mindfully, and at specific times. If you are sipping or snacking continuously during the day, oral bacteria are constantly active.
Flossing irregularly or inefficiently
The ADA recommends that patients floss once a day; the best time to do this is right before bed. Choose floss that is thin enough to fit between your teeth and move slightly back and forth.
Still have questions about how to take care of your smile? Our Glendale dentists can be reached by phone or through the Contact Us page on our site. We look forward to speaking with you!