Achieving and then maintaining optimal oral health is about a lot more than simply brushing and flossing as recommended. Many patients do not realize just how impactful the structure of your smile is in terms of long-term oral health. Our Glendale dentists are here with some more information about what exactly this means for you.
When we talk about dental structure, we’re talking about how various components of your maxillofacial structure come together and work in harmony or disharmony. This encompasses jaw health, dental alignment, and natural tooth shapes.
There are a number of oral health issues that can develop over time when structural dental problems are left untreated:
- Premature dental gaining and uneven dental wear and tear
- Thin and weak enamel, which is not as resilient
- TMJ dysfunction; you may notice jaw discomfort and diminished jaw mobility
- Bruxism, which is characterized by tooth grinding and clenching (this may occur day or night, and especially in times of stress)
The good news is that there are treatments available to improve underlying structural irregularities. Addressing issues promptly can improve your long-term dental prognosis, and help your smile age attractively and gracefully. Depending on your specific situation, you may choose to move forward by:
- Completing orthodontic treatment to shift your smile into healthier alignment
- Upgrading old restorations with fresh, custom-crafted crowns
- Reshaping selective teeth using dental bonding and composite resin
- Refining and shaping dental enamel to smooth out irregularities
The key to successful treatment is kicking off the process with a thorough consultation. During your dental assessment, our Glendale dentists will be able to pinpoint the underlying cause of your oral health issues, and make personalized treatment recommendations.
Please feel free to reach out to our dental team by calling our office or using the Contact Us page on our website to submit an inquiry.