Now is the perfect time to make a plan to care for your smile as we head into the new year. Our Glendale dentists have some simple tips and suggestions on how you can care for your smile and take your oral hygiene plan to the next level. We hope that this information is helpful, and, remember, you can always reach out to our team if you have questions!
The best way to get started is to take a look at your calendar and set up your semi-annual cleanings for the year. These professional cleanings are essential for helping you minimize the amount of plaque and tartar that builds up on your smile. The American Dental Association recommends that patients of all ages complete cleanings every six months or so. However, people with certain ongoing oral health or whole-body health issues may need to schedule appointments more frequently. Your dentist will let you know what type of schedule you should follow.
Now that you have professional dental care taken care of, it’s time to reassess your at-home oral hygiene efforts. When you’re able to thoroughly clean your smile at home, you give your smile its best chance of staying healthy, strong, and attractive for years to come.
Let’s start by talking about the best way to brush. You want to make sure that you’re brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, morning and night. Apply gentle pressure as you brush, and use a toothbrush that is not too abrasive: most patients will do well with a soft-bristled brush.
Flossing is the other component of a healthy oral hygiene routine. The best time to floss is at night right before you brush your teeth; this allows you to dislodge plaque and dental debris before you promptly brush it away.
If you want more information about how to care for your smile in 2018, our Glendale dentists are here to help! Give us a call to get started with a personal consultation!